A farmer was in court being questioned by a lawyer.

The lawyer asks the farmer ‘did you tell the officer you were fine?’

The farmer replies ‘well I was crossing the road when the semi…’

The lawyer cuts him off and says ‘it’s a yes or no question. Did you tell the officer you were fine?’

The farmer again starts to say ‘well I was crossing the road when the semi…’

The lawyer cuts him off again and says ‘I just need a yes or a no.’

The farmer again starts his story ‘I was crossing the road when…’

The lawyer attempts to cut him off again but the judge steps in and tells the lawyer to just let him finish his story.

The farmer starts again. ‘I was crossing the road when the semi ran through the stop sign and broadsided my truck. I went flying into one ditch and my cow Bessie went flying into the other ditch. The state trooper pulled up and walked over to Bessie and she was in bad shape so he took out his service pistol and put he out of her misery. When the state trooper walked up to me and asked ‘are you okay’ I immediately said ‘I’M FINE!’