There was a farmer who was very protective of his daughters. Before every date, he would meet the young man at the porch with his shotgun, and if he didn’t measure up, he’d make sure they left.

One day all three of his daughters were going out on the same night. The first young man drove up and approached the porch.

“Hi, my name is Joe, I’m here to get Flo, we’re going to the show, is she ready to go?” The farmer liked this guy, and let him leave with his daughter.

Shortly, the next guy drove up and approached the porch. “Hi, my name is Freddy, I’m here to get Betty, we’re going for spaghetti, is she ready?” The farmer liked this guy too, and let him leave with his second daughter.

Soon the third guy drove up and approached the porch.
“Hi, my name is Chuck…” and the farmer shot him.